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Seasonal Pest Control in Illinois

Schopen Pest Solutions Helps with Seasonal Pest Control

With over 30 years of experience in the pest control industry, our specialists know exactly when to prepare for individual animals and insects looking to annoy you in your home or office. These seasonal pests may not stay long, but they can create severe damage while staying with you in your residential or commercial space for the season. Call the experts at Schopen Pest Solutions to get preventative seasonal pest control options and stay protected all year long.

Pests Seek Shelter to Avoid the Winter

Many pests go into an inanimate state during the colder months, but not all activity stops. In fact, for many people, winter brings out a variety of pest problems.

  • Rodents are extremely busy during the winter. In Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin, mice are the #1 pest problem when the temperature dips. The average female will have four to eight babies per litter and will go into heat just weeks after giving birth. It is not hard to imagine a female having 40-50 offspring in only one year. Rats become a significant problem on farms and in inner-city settings during this time.
  • Ants, such as Pavement, Odorous House, and Pharaoh, make their way into many homes with slab foundations. They will come up from the pea-gravel searching for food and water even during the coldest months.
  • Silverfish love warm, humid temperatures. So, despite the fact of it being ten degrees Fahrenheit outside or lower, silverfish will be thriving in bathrooms or where there are hot-water pipes.
  • Spiders are a problem year-round for any client living near a lake, forest preserve, or wooded areas.

Many Pests Awaken in the Spring

As Jack Frost lets go of his icy grip, many pests will “wake up” out of their deep inanimate slumber and make themselves a nuisance.

  • Flies find their way into many homes during April and May. Flies will overwinter in attics or wall voids and will be one of the first pests you will see. Even as early as mid-March.
  • Ants love the spring. Carpenter Ants especially will make themselves known as they forage for food looking for any food to eat. Sweet tasting foods especially attract them.
  • Single-cone wasps will show up as early as May if the temperatures outside are always in the 50’s or 60’s. The pregnant queens will find an excellent location, such as an eave or soffit, to begin building their nest.
  • Box elder bugs and Asian lady beetles are also waking up. They will overwinter under door stoops, under the bark of trees, in your attic or behind shutters. When there are approximately 12 hours of sunlight per day with mild conditions, you will see them emerge. They will be busy laying eggs until June, and then you won’t see too many of them until the fall.

Bugs and Insects Thrive in the Summertime

In Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin, summer is the peak season for many pests. We know exactly how to deal with them though so you can enjoy the relaxing cool air within your home and office.

  • Single-cone wasps will show up in large numbers in June, bald-faced hornets in July (large cone-shaped nests in trees), and yellow jackets in August. Honeybees can be a nuisance anytime during the summer, but they are not as common as the aforementioned stinging pests.
  • Carpenter ants will be out in great numbers foraging for food or looking for new nesting sites.
  • Mosquitoes will start in June (May if it’s warm for long stretches) and will be active through the end of September.
  • Spiders can be a nightmare for residents living on Lake Geneva, Lake Delavan, Lauderdale Lakes, Wonder Lake, Chain O’ Lakes, Twin Lakes, etc.
  • Clover mites will start as blood-red dots on your door stoops, windows, siding, etc., and will turn dark green as they feed on vegetation.
  • Millipedes, pill bugs and earwigs will turn up in large numbers starting in May, hitting their peak in June and July. Earwigs will be a problem until it snows.

Take Care of Pests Before They Move into Your Home

As the temperatures cool, many pests will look to move indoors or find another shelter.

  • Box elder bugs and Asian lady beetles are the most common pest in September and October.
  • Yellowjackets are very aggressive in September as the number of wasps looking for food becomes quite large.
  • Spiders will follow their food sources indoors.
  • Mice will become more noticeable in October and November.
  • Flies can make their way into any home, and if you have a second or third story building, you will find them populating the higher levels to reach the warmest spots.

Call Today to Protect Your Space No Matter the Season

You may think the cold of winter drives all pests away, but it drives them to your home where it is warm. The hotter months can also bring pests in because of their need for food and shelter. Thankfully, you have Schopen Pest Solutions in your corner to deliver our high-quality seasonal pest control services. Contact us anytime during business hours at 844-215-2022 for a free quote and enjoy your space without the worry of pests.

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