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Clover Mites Treatment from Expert Technicians

Are you a homeowner in Illinois, wondering what to do about those tiny, red pests lurking around your home? Clover mites are relatively harmless but having a large infestation can be very stressful. If you have clover mites, our team at Schopen Pest Solutions provides the perfect treatment. We offer comprehensive methods to help prevent future clover mite infestations. With Schopen Pest Solutions, you can have peace of mind knowing your property is pest-free.


Facts About Clover Mites

Clover mites are small, red arachnids with eight legs. The cooler seasons (Spring and Fall) mark the peak activity period for clover mites. They become a nuisance to homeowners across many US regions as they invade people’s homes and living spaces. As summer approaches, these tiny pests lay eggs before entering a dormant state.

With a lifespan of just 30 days and the ability to lay up to 70 eggs, clover mites are unloved pests around homes. Their population may grow quickly, and homeowners should watch for them clustering on homes or entering structures near cracks and crevices.

Mites often infiltrate the sunny sides of homes, and they can commonly be found in sunlit spots, such as pools, sidewalks, decks, patios, and other paved surfaces. A sure sign of a clover mite infestation is spotting clusters of clover mites crawling on siding or windowsills.

Damage Caused by Clover Mites

This reddish-brown pest may be small, but its unwelcome presence can still make a big impact. While clover mites do not pose any harm to humans and won’t cause major damage around the home, once inside your dwellings, these creatures will surely create an annoyance.  They can also stain white items such as pants, tablecloths, or seat cushions.

How do you get rid of clover mites? A typical reaction is to smash them. However, crushing these tiny pests leaves behind an unsightly red stain on light-colored surfaces. To protect your property, vacuum up your unwelcome guests instead.

How Schopen Pest Solutions Can Help Get Rid of Clover Mites

Don’t let clover mites ruin your day! Let the experts at Schopen Pest Solutions provide you with an integrated solution on how to get rid of clover mites in your home. Our professional team is committed to offering efficient and effective chemical control treatments tailored to fit your unique needs and reduce the number of these pests.

Process for Clover Mites Control

Clover mites can be difficult to eradicate. For smaller indoor problems, you should vacuum or wipe them up with a wet rag. This will help avoid staining caused by crushing clover mites.

If your clover mite infestation is large, don’t hesitate to contact Schopen Pest Solutions to take advantage of our professional pest control services.  We can use residual pesticides and desiccants (dust) to eliminate these mites.

Clover Mites Extermination in Illinois

Choose Schopen Pest Solutions

Schopen Pest Solutions provides comprehensive pest control services in Illinois that are tailored to meet the needs of every customer. Our highly trained and knowledgeable technicians ensure you get the most cost-effective pest control programs that provide maximum results. Eradicate your clover mite, rodent, crawling insect, or flying insect infestation with Schopen Pest Solutions.

Contact Schopen Pest Solutions

The best way to get rid of Clover mites is by calling Schopen Pest Solutions. You can count on us for all your treatment needs in Northern Illinois or Southeastern Wisconsin. Call us today, and we will work quickly and efficiently to eliminate the problem.

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